Monday, August 23, 2010

Finding Daily Disapline

I am dedicating myself to learning the Asanas of Ashtanga Yoga through traditional Vinyasa Count.  I feel very driven to this.  My yoga experience has pandered across the years.. college was a concentration on the asanas (poses).  No flow.  Home practice was always asanas slow paced.  Then I went to Sumit's Yoga, Vinyasa Power Flow, and had my ass handed to me.  I left that class soaking wet, bendy, tiered, but felt like I could move a friggin building.  After that I was pretty much hooked on the flow.  Sumit's is very fast paced.  If I had know the asanas I would have probably dug the fuck out of it.  SO thats what brings me to this.  My current practice is home based.  I usually do a flow with asanas at my pace.  I try to hold each asana for 5 breaths.  I like the way my heart races when the flow is added in after each asana is added.  My friend Kim is putting a sequence together for me too and I can't wait!

Time to do something for myself each day and bring health to my body.  The past few days that I have started doing yoga this week, my system has been regular, less bloated, more energy, and just over a better change in mood.

Tomorrow I will start learning the Vinyasa Surya Namaskara.  This is the first in the Ashtanga Vinyasa Practice.


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