Saturday, September 24, 2011

That Sweet Soreness

Is what I look for in my practice.  If the pose is easy and aligned I take that as my body's indication to challenge myself further. A day after a dynamic wall yoga class by Rosa on Wednesday; my back, sides, biceps, and core are sore. That "muscles are full of blood and you worked the hell out of them" kind of soreness.  I took two weeks off from yoga in a combo of week vaca and then a week of rest. My body just wasn't feeling it and the moon cycle was a rough one.  But that sweet soreness pulls me back.  My body craves the movement, the challenge, the opportunity for my mind to be clear and in the moment.  And the ablitiy to push myself in directions I never thought I would get to.  And continue to do so!

I have now been practicing at least 4 times a week consistently since the first of May.  5 months of practice translates in my life to 28lbs lost and counting, a clearer calmer mind, accountability, being healthy, physical strength and stamina, and growing my practice further.  I plan to take the YogaWorks 200 RYT and teach in the community.  I want to share and give back the beautiful energy and guidance I have received from the Yogis I practice under :)


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