Friday, July 15, 2011

Prana Part 1

Prana is the currents of energy or life force.  Prana is the Vital energy of the Universe.  For now we will focus on the vital energy within our being.  One who has learned to control prana has learned to control both physical and mental and also control of the body and mind.

Breath is the vehicle for prana as the energy travels through and extremely complex anatomy, composed of pathways called Nadis.  What in the world are Nadis?  Nadis are energy channels that flow through out the body.  According to text the number of nadis exceeds 72000.  Of these 14 are the most key.. and of the 14, 3 are of those relate to breathing.  These energy channels extend from our base and travel up the spine to the right and left nostrils.

Pingala (solar or surya) sun flowing through the right nostril, and Ida (lunar or chandra) moon flowing through the left nostril and sushumna (central energy channel up through the spine to the top of the head) which is the moment when both nostrils flow freely without obstruction.

Left Nostril or Lunar: Breathing through the left side promotes relaxation, passiveness, and sleep
Right Nostril or Sun: Breathing through the right side stimulates the mind and body as well as aids in digestion.

The physical body is built around this subtle framework of energy channels (nadis) sustained by the flow of prana through this network.  The techniques of pranayama are aimed at opening up subtle energy channels (nadis).  The currents of prana flowing through these nadis are the subtle counterparts of nerve impulses.

When we breath badly we create obstructions in various parts of the body.  All these blockages clog up the free flow of prana, the life breath that animates our body.  With practice like pranayama we learn how to move and generate prana to store it and use it.  We are then able to loosen and dissolve these obstructions so prana can flow free.

In Sanskrit the most basic translation of pranayama is the science of breath.  Pranayama literally means "the ayama" (expansion or manifestation) of prana (the energy)

Pranayama is the 4th limb of Yoga.  Pranayama is a separate practice from your asana practice.  Both practices should have separate times.  Prana also helps drive your asana practice.

Stay tuned for Prana Part 2!


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