Saturday, July 23, 2011

Prana Part 4

Developing Breath Awareness

Diaphragm: Low gravity area of the lungs.  The Diaphragm contracts and moves towards the abdominal area.

Thoracic or Chest: Brings oxygen to the upper lungs, by itself is inefficient, more frequency of breaths.

Clavicular: Movement in the collar bones expands very top of the lungs for maximum oxygen intake.

Most Efficient Ways to Breath

Diaphragm Breathing: Best suited for everyday relaxed functioning, the lungs expansion is focused on the lower area of the lungs where oxygen can exchange most efficiently.  When more oxygen is needed, the thoracic is then engaged.

Full Yogic Breath:  The three types of inhalation can be coordinated into one smooth exercise in which a maximum deep breath is taken.  This is the Yogic Complete Breath, which has the diaphragmatic, thoracic, and clavicular phrase.

Phase One: Diaphragm contraction resulting in slight expansion of lower ribs and protrusion of the upper abdome, drawing oxygen into the lower lungs.

Phase Two: The middle portions of the lungs expand with outward chest movement, the inhalation proceeds further.

Phase Three: At the end of inhalation, still more air is admitted boy slightly raising the clavicles.

Full Yogic Breath must be mastered before moving on to other forms of pranayama.

Nadi Shodhana

Breathing in the left nostril (moon) and then out the right nostril ( sun) and then breathing in the right nostril ( sun) and them breathing out the left nostril (moon).  Repeat this to desire.  This helps center and calm the nervous system.

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