Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Yogic Expantion

-All Levels
-Ashtanga Primary (Monthly)
-Candle Light Yoga Level I/II
-Hot Yoga
-Hot Yoga I/II
-Intro to Yoga
-Level I/II
-Level II/III
-Restorative Candle Light
-Restorative Yoga
-Stretch & Restore
-Yin Yoga
-Yoga Core
-Yoga Fit
-Yoga Wall (ABSOLUTE favorite class)

The purple classes are the ones that I have already taken.  

Also coming up on July 11 through August 19 is the 40 days challenge. I am so down!
Also spent 2 min in sirasana today without assistance getting my legs up to the wall.  Now I am able to find what feels right while keeping mindful to what is safe.  I must say it was exhilarating staying up for 2 min :)

I work at both studios tomorrow.. off to bed..


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