Monday, August 1, 2011

Om - Aum

The mystical symbol Om, or AUM, represents pure consciousness, the original source of all that which is manifested in the world... all forms, speech, thoughts, desires... as well as all that which remains un-manifested.  This primordial sound is the name of Absolute Reality, which is not subject to change.  Whatever has happened in the past, or is happening in the present, or will happen in the future has no effect on it, for it is beyond the confines of time, space, and causation.  Worldly pleasures are transient, but the truth of AUM is eternal... it expands our individual consciousness to universal consciousness.  The Upanishads say the more we meditate and contemplate on AUM the more our spiritual awareness will deepen.  We can start to prepare our minds to receive the wisdom of AUM with daily meditation, and with the use of it as the first sound of a longer mantra, such as the gayatri or the maha mrityunjaya mantra, or as the open/close to a class/personal practice.  Its powerful vibration will begin to resonate on a deeper level of our minds and hearts, reminding us that which is ever within us--our eternal unchanging source, from where we have come, and to where we will return.

Harih OM.
Om-ity-etad-aksaram-idam sarvam
tasyopavyakhyanam bhutam bhavad bhavisyad-iti sarvam-
omkara eva.  Yaccanyat trikalatitam tad apy omkara eva

Hari AUM
The entire universe is the syllable AUM.
Everything in the past, present, and future is verily AUM.
That which is beyond time, space, and causation is also AUM.

            -Mandukya Upanishad, mantra 1

Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti

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