Sitting quietly, let your eyes settle on the
base chakra's yantra, or geometric form. Breathing gently, let the
vibrant energy of the four large lotus petals empower you, and imagine
the solid square earthing you with its stability. Finally, let the red
triangle point you down toward the vast store of latent energy that lies
at the base of your spine, waiting to be awakened.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
59. Base Chakra Mantra
The bija mantra, or seed sound, of the base chakra is LAM (pronounced "lum"). Sit upright with your spine straight and focus on your pelvic floor. Visualize the color red, then gently sing the seed sound LAM. Gaze at its sanskrit form in the center of the chakra's visual representation. Feel the primal energy of this chakra and allow it to form a springboard for your day's actions.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
58. Feel Your Base Chakra
The lowest energy centre on the chakra frame
work in humans is mooladhara, the base chakra. (moola means "root" and
adhara, "substratum" or "base".) Close your eyes and take your focus to
your pelvic floor, the site of this chakra. Breathe into the area for
several minutes. This will tune you into its earthing energy and help
you express your needs.
Friday, December 28, 2012
57. Tadasana :: Mountain Pose
This pose evokes the stillness, strength, and
innate power of a mountain (tada), grounding the body and bringing a
positive charge of energy.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
55. Grounding Energy Lock
To activate what yogis might refer to as the
"inner ankles, lift the inner arches of your feet when you're standing.
This is Pada Bandha: an energy seal for the feet. Feel how it
energizes not only your standing poses but also your gait: it will give
you a spring in your step as you walk.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Happy and Merry!
From my family to yours... Happiest of Holidays and may they be full of love, warmth, peace, and yummy food!
54. Thirsty Feet
When you do a morning asana practice, imagine
that the arches of your feet are drawing up energy from the earth to
quench their thirst. Urge your feet to direct this energy up your legs
towards your pelvis to help to steady you throughout the day.
Monday, December 24, 2012
53. Foot Energy
The feet are the site of a minor chakra that
gathers in and distributes energy, which enables you to step out into
the world and interact effectively with other people. To call in energy
that often settles here during the night, explore your feet with ankle
rotations, foot massage, and standing poses such as Tadasana (Mountain
Sunday, December 23, 2012
52. Foot Massage
For stiff feet, slide your fingers between your toes and roll them like waves; then rotate each foot at the ankle joint.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
84 Classic Asanas
84 Classic Asanas. Bishnu Ghosh lineage. Bishnu was Bikram’s Guru. This is where Bikram’s 26 postures originated from.
Salute to the god and goddess (each done in 4 directions):1. Salute to the God
2. Salute to the goddess
Salute to the sun
is typical sun salute. However in the hot yoga tradition there is no
downward dog or upward dog. I personally add them into my practice
Half moon series
1. Lateral half moon (both sides)
2. Backbend
3 Forward bend
4. Triangle
5. Seperate leg head to knee
Awkward series
1. squat
2. squat on tips toes
3. squat seated on the heel knees together
Eagle series
1. eagle
2. standing head to knee
3. Standing bow
4. Balancing stick
5. Seperate arms balancing stick
Guillitine series
1. Seperate leg stretching
2. guillitine
Tree series
1. Tree
2. Toe stand
3. Short man (dwarf pose)
Transition series
1. Crow
2. Crane
3. Fingerstand
Lotus series
1. Life pose
2. easy pose
3. 2 toes showing
4. Success in meditation
5. gentle pose
6. Good luck pose
7. Half lotus
8. lotus
9. Lifting lotus
10. Bound lotus
11. lotus in l shape
12. pregnancy (embryo) pose
13. Fish in lotus
14. Spider (crocadile)
15. Mountain
16. Cock pose (lotus in arn balance)
Wind removing
1. single leg wind removing
2. double leg wind removing
Cobra series
1. Cobra
2. Half locust
3. Full Locust
4. Floor bow
Fixed firm series
1. Fixed firm
2. Half tortise
3. Camel
4. Rabbit
Stretching series
1. Single leg head to knee stretching
2. Seated forward bend
3. Seated seperate leg stretching
4. Frog
5. upward wind removing
6. upward stretching
7. splits
8. Pidgeon
9. Splits in the Air
10. Dancers pose
Double sided series
1. archers pose
2. 4 angle pose
3. Happy Cow face
4. Spinal twist
Leg breaking
1. Leg breaking
Legs behind the head series
1. Single leg behind the head
2. Double legs behind the head
3. Lifting tortise
4. Full tortise
5. Goodbye pose
6. Om pose
Full series
1. Full Cobra
2. Full floor bow
3. Full Camel
5. Wheel
Peacock series
1. Peacock
2. Peacok in Lotus
3. 1 arm peacock
4. 1 legged peacock
Plow series
1. Plow
2. Shoulder stand
Inversion series
1. Headstand
2. Tiger (forearm balancing)
3. Scorpion
4. Handstand
51. Connect to Your Roots
To start your day in a state of balanced groundedness, stand with your feet hip-width apart and explore how it feels to root downward into what yogis refer to as the "corners" of your fee - the joints of your big toes, the edges of your little toes, and the backs of your heels (imagine you are wearing horseshoes), and the inner and outer sides of your heels.
image credit: Laura Taylor Mark Illustration
Friday, December 21, 2012
50. Lotus Visualization
Since ancient times, yogis have used the rich symbolism of the lotus flower to anchor meditation and to help to visualize physical postures. Stand tall and imagine yourself as a lotus, your head rising high. Look down to see your firm, supportive stem (body and legs), held in place by strong roots (your feet), which draw nourishment from the earth.
Graphic: Ashley Arnold
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
48. Open Up and Wait
"Be as a cup, and the universe flows into you. Be as an arrow, and the universe retreats from you." - ZEN PROVERB
50 Ways to Breath During the Holidays!
6 days until Christmas! It sure does creep up quick after Thanksgiving. Feeling caught up and stressed during the holiday season is as common as Santa making his way down your chimney. I of course am not finished shopping.. but that's in true fashion ;) Here are 50 fun ways to BREATH!! and relax.
The Daily Mantra
The Daily Mantra
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
47. Awaken To Your Own Truth
The second of the five yamas, yoga's moral ethics, is satya, or truth. See if you can intuit insights into your own nature as you do your yoga practice. In yoga, truth is not something that you learn, like knowledge, but is something that is revealed, like wisdom.
Monday, December 17, 2012
46. Cat Pose Variation
To stretch the sides of your body, position yourself with a wall to your left and come into a table-top shape as if beginning cat pose. Extend your right leg in a backward diagonal line from your hip. Root down into the ground with the outer edge of your right foot. Then twist to the right, bringing your back against the wall. Open your chest and, with your right shoulder stacked over your left, stretch your right arm above your head. Take 5-10 breaths, engaging the core muscles in your abdomen. Return to the table-top position for 2 breaths, repeat on the left side (with the wall on your right)
Saturday, December 15, 2012
45. Cat Pose :: Bidalasana
This pose stretches the core of the body and
is a great stretch to start the day off. Think of its namesake, the cat
(bidala), when gracefully arching your spine.
On all fours, place your hands beneath your shoulders. Knees below your hips. Lengthen your spine. Inhaling, lift your tail-bone, dip your waist, stretch your throat and look up. Exhaling, round your spine and curl your tail-bone under (see above), drawing your chin in and your navel to your spine. Coordinate the movements with your breathing for 10 breaths. Then Relax.
Love and Healing Energy
Our hearts go out to those in Connecticut.
May the spirits and energy of those lost find their way home. Sending
all the love and healing energy ♥
Friday, December 14, 2012
Lifting Off into Inversions.. with some help!
Inversions are a big step! Until you kick up
that first time you you never know the sensations awaiting! This is an
awesome way to invert without head or neck pressure.
Invert On Fellow Daily Mantra'ers!
Invert On Fellow Daily Mantra'ers!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
43. Between Postures
Resting between asanas allows you to become
more receptive in your yoga as it gives time for both your body and your
mind to process the effects, whether physical, mental, or emotional, of
each movement. In your morning practice, rest in Child's Pose after
poses you find challenging, observing that edge...the flow of your
breath, in and out.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
41. Leap to the Second Rung
In Patanjali's eight-runged ladder of yoga, the second stage is niyama, "laws" of personal conduct. To tune into these healthy life attitudes, spend a minute each time you begin asana practice considering the niyama know as tapas - intensity of discipline though practice.
Monday, December 10, 2012
40. Yoga For Today
"Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in
Oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is
the essential need off today and the culture of tomorrow." - swami
satyananda saraswati
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
38. Select Your Role
"We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in the future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act." - Swami Vivekananda
Friday, December 7, 2012
37. Cultivate the Watcher
As you move around your home in the morning,
look out of the windows and contemplate the outside world. Recognize
that you're a player in a drama that is being created right now. Choose
your part wisely and embrace it, yet cultivate a sense of detachment to
transcend limitations
Thursday, December 6, 2012
36. Out of the Groove
Just as the indentations of a vinyl record predict is playing, yoga teaches that the mind is imprinted with samskatas, behavior patterns conditioned by our culture, life experience, education, and belief system. Asanas, pranayama and meditation encourage us to explore these habits and to replace limiting patterns with healthier ones. Start this process today by observing the way your think about and respond to events.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
35. Expand Your Mind
"It is you that pervades this universe, and this universe exists in you. Your true nature is pure Consciousness. Don't be small minded." - ashtavakra gita
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
34. Ponder Connections
The Sanskrit root of the word yoga, yuj, means
"to yoke" or connect, drawing attention to the fact that we are not
isolated individuals, but share a connection with everything that is.
Before you head out into the world this morning, spend a few minutes
allowing this fact to sink into your mind by repeating the mantra, Tat
tvam asi : "Thou art that".
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
32. Opening to Ethics
The five yamas - moral ethics that ultimately
cross all cultures and creeds - lie at the foundation of the eight limbs
of yoga defined by Patanjali. As you prepare for your day, spend a few
moments contemplating one of the most important of them - Ahimsa, or
Observe any possible issues that my contradict this yama and set an intention to be the change ♥
Observe any possible issues that my contradict this yama and set an intention to be the change ♥
Saturday, December 1, 2012
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