At the studio that I practice at we use mantra. Espeically in Bhakti Flow. The studio delves into a weekly/monthly mantra that I personally love. They also have a class on Sunday evenings called Sacred Sound that I need to get to! But until then, here is a beautiful mantra that once you read the translation from sanskrit to english you will recognize it and its connection to you <3
See yourself in the center of the great mandala that you have invoked during the practice. While chanting this mantra see blessings pouring out to all beings in the universe. You may use the mudras that accompany this mantra to empower it.
The first lines of this chant are a call (to your guru, to your essence) for help: lead me from the unreal to the real, from darkness of ignorance to the light of pure wisdom, from mortality to immortality transcending both death and birth/re-birth.
With the next section of the chant, we bless all beings: may all beings everywhere experience welfare, peace, fullness without opposite, and continuous auspiciousness.
The mantra continues with the Mahamrtyunjaya mantra – the chant of the great victory over death.
The chant ends with om Shanti Shanti Shanti – may there be peace in the three realms (celestial, atmospheric and terrestrial), and may the activity of my body, speech, and mind demonstrate enlightenment and be always for the benefit of all beings.
Śāntipāta Mantra
Oṁ asato mā sadgamaya
tamaso mā jyotir gamaya
mṛtyor mā amṛtam gamaya
sarveṣam svasti bhavatu
sarveṣam śāntir bhavatu
sarveṣam pūrṇam bhavatu
sarveṣam maṇgalam bhavatu
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu
oṁ tryambakam yajāmahe
sugandhim puṣṭivardhanam/
urvārukamiva bandhanāt
mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛtāt//
oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
From the unreal lead me to the real,
From darkness lead me to light,
From death lead me to immortality,
May all beings dwell in good circumstances,
May all beings dwell in peace,
May all beings attain fullness of Being,
May all beings attain auspiciousness,
May there be happiness in all the worlds.
We meditate on three-eyed Lord Śiva
Who is fragrant and nourishes all beings.
Like a cucumber severed from the vine
May he liberate us from death to immortality.
Oṁ peace, peace, peace!
ॐ ॐ ॐ
via Studio Santosha Yoga Facebook
via Dharma Inc