Thursday, November 15, 2012

YUJ (yoga) ~ To Yolk.. What is Yours?

"Yoga is all about relationships - your relationship with yourself, with the people in your life, and with the world around you.  This makes the yoga path a journey of connection - both internal and external." L.Lark

The Sanskrit root from which yoga is derived, yuj, means to yoke, or connect.

My yuj, or connection(s) i seek are my breath + movement.  Finding that blend of the two is my happy place.  I realized that during a 108 sun salutations.  During the salute the energy running through my body and the breath movement connection left me feeling electric.  After we completed the 108 I laid on the floor felt the energy flowing and vibrating through out my being.  It was a moment of realization for me.  Yoga is more than any label it is given.  For me it took yoga to learn to really connect.  Being able to connect helps make me be a better person/wife/mommy/friend.  These are my relationships.  Like Lark said, "yoga is all about relationships, your relationship with yourself, with the people in your life, and with the world around you."  I'm on a beautiful path

What is your yuj? Please share!

tdM ॐ

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